Classes listed are 3 credit hours each. Fall and spring semesters require registering for 9 credit hours to be considered a full-time student, and the summer semester requires 3 credit hours. “Odd” terms indicate classes are available in 2017, 2019, etc., while “Even” indicates availability for 2018, 2020, and so forth.

Courses Availability

Course NumberCourse NameAvailabilityAdditional comments for degree credit
PHY 5103Classical Mechanics IEvery FallCore Course
PHY 5203Electrodynamics IEvery FallCore Course
PHY 6403Fundamentals of Space PhysicsEvery FallElective, taught by SwRI adjoints
PHY 6403Plasma Physics & MHDOdd FallElective, taught by SwRI adjoints
PHY 5303Statistical MechanicsEvery SpringCore Course
PHY 5403Quantum Mechanics IEvery SpringCore Course
PHY 7703Planetary ScienceEven SpringElective, taught by SwRI adjoints
PHY 7703Astronomical InstrumentationEven SpringElective, taught by SwRI adjoints
PHY 7703Space Physics LaboratoryOdd SpringElective, taught by SwRI adjoints
PHY 7703Magnetospheric PhysicsFall 2026 & Spring 2029Elective, taught by SwRI adjoints
PHY 7703Heliospheric PhysicsSpring 2027 & Fall 2030Elective, taught by SwRI adjoints
PHY 7703Ionospheric PhysicsFall 2028 & Fall 2032Elective, taught by SwRI adjoints

All Terms

Course NumberCourse NameAvailabilityAdditional comments for degree credit
PHY 7013Research SeminarAll Fall or SpringRequired, register once and attend 3 semesters
PHY 6953Independent StudyAll TermsElective, 2 max towards degree
PHY 7003Directed ResearchAll TermsRequired, 2 minimum
PHY 7973Special Topics in PhysicsAll TermsElective, topic dependent

Variable Terms

Course NumberCourse NameAvailabilityAdditional comments for degree credit
PHY 6133Introduction to Scientific WritingVariesElective, taught by UTSA
PHY 6413Fundamentals of AstronomyVariesElective, taught by both UTSA and SwRI adjoints
PHY 6613Methods of Experimental PhysicsVariesElective, taught by UTSA
PHY 7903Topics in AstrophysicsVariesElective, taught by both UTSA and SwRI adjoints

Candidate Status

Course NumberCourse NameAvailabilityAdditional comments for degree credit
PHY 7103Doctoral ResearchAll TermsRequired, 9 minimum
PHY 7113Doctoral DissertationAll TermsRequired, 4 minimum