UTSA-SwRI Space Physics
Graduate Program


Ben Byron


Ben Bryon Dissertation Title: Far-UV Investigation of Lunar Space Weathering and Regolith Surface Properties with LRO-LAMP Dissertation Advisor: Kurt Retherford Graduation Date: 2020 Post-Doctoral Fellowship: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Research Areas: The effects of space weathering and other surface processes/properties on the far-UV reflectance of the lunar regolith as observed by LRO LAMP. His current research involves investigating the thermophysical properties of the lunar surface with the Diviner Lunar Radiometer instrument onboard LRO. Professional Link: Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Ben Byron2023-05-26T13:49:50+00:00

Ujjwal Raut


Ujjwal Raut Education: B.A. Physics, Luther College, 2001 Ph.D. Engineering Physics, University of Virginia, 2009 Email: uraut@swri.edu Phone: (210) 522-2178 Research Areas: Lunar and Planetary Science Icy Satellites Optical Spectroscopy of Planetary Surfaces Laboratory Simulations of Astrophysical Enviroments and Processes Space flight instrumentation Current Graduate Students: Caleb Gimar Bereket Mamo

Ujjwal Raut2023-05-25T20:19:08+00:00

Kurt Retherford


Kurt Retherford Education: Ph.D. Physics & Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University, 2002 M.A. Physics & Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University, 1998 B.S. Applied Math, Engineering & Physics, University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1994 Email: kretherford@swri.edu Phone: 210-522-3809 Professional Links: Google Scholar and LinkedIn Missions:  Europa Clipper Hubble Space Telescope Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) New Horizons Research Areas: Principal Investigator (PI) of the Ultraviolet Spectrograph (UVS), to be flown on NASA's Europa mission Deputy PI of the UVS on ESA's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) mission PI of the Lyman [...]

Kurt Retherford2023-09-07T14:30:46+00:00

Stefano Livi


Stefano Livi Education: Ph.D. Physics, University of Florence, 1982 Ph.D. Astrophysics, University of Rome, 1987 Email: stefano.livi@swri.org Phone: 210-522-3310 Research Areas: Principal Investigator (PI) of the sensor Strofio, to be flown on the BepiColombo mission to Mercury PI of the HIS sensor to be flown on the Solar Orbiter mission Particle Detector Design and Testing UV Imaging Design and Testing Plasma analyzers, UV coronagraphs, mass spectrometers, and energetic particle sensors Co-Investigator on a number of American, European, Russian, and Japanese missions, including Phobos, Polar, Cassini, SOHO, Rosetta, and Geotail Current Graduate Students: Kylie Sullivan Jared Schroeder Past Graduate [...]

Stefano Livi2023-05-25T20:29:35+00:00

Jörg-Micha Jahn


Jörg-Micha Jahn Education: M.S. Geophysics, Ludwig-Maximilians University, 1991 Ph.D. Physics, Dartmouth College, 1997 Email: jorg-micha.jahn@swri.org Phone: 210-522-2491 Missions: Lunar Vertex Van Allen Probes (formerly Radiation Belt Storm Probes) IMAGE POLAR Research Areas: Global dynamics of thermal plasma and energetic particles in magnetospheric dynamics. Solar-wind magnetosphere and magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere interactions. Space weather Ionospheric plasma irregularities and ionospheric HF propagation. Data analysis of complex systems and data sets using statistical analysis and machine learning. Development of compaction plasma ion composition instruments. Instrument & Mission Experience: Instrument lead for MAPS ion-electron spectrometer on Lunar Vertex SwRI institutional instrument lead for HOPE ion-electron [...]

Jörg-Micha Jahn2023-05-25T20:29:40+00:00

Jerry Goldstein


Jerry Goldstein Education: B.S. Physics, Brooklyn College, 1993 Ph.D. Space Physics, Darmouth College, 2000 Email: jgoldstein@swri.edu Phone: 210-522-5633 Research Areas: Research on the inner magnetospheres of Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn Magnetospheric ion dynamics observed by imaging (ENA, EUV) and in situ instruments Current Graduate Students: Past Graduate Students: Kevin Genestreti, Ph.D. Myeong-Joon Kim, Ph.D. Roberto Livi, Ph.D. Kristie LLera, Ph.D.

Jerry Goldstein2023-09-07T15:32:54+00:00

Stephen Fuselier


Stephen Fuselier Education: B.S. Physics, University of Southern California, 1981 M.S. Physics, University of Iowa, 1983 Ph.D. Physics, University of Iowa, 1984 Email: sfuselier@swri.edu Phone: 210-522-6358 Missions: IBEX IMAP MMS TRACERS Research Areas: 35 years of experience as a scientist, project manager and senior manager for scientists, engineers, and technicians Elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2021 Co-Investigator on the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) Co-Investigator and sensor lead on the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) mission Co-Investigator and lead for the Hot Plasma Composition Experiment (HPCA) on the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission Co-Investigator on ROSINA, [...]

Stephen Fuselier2023-05-25T20:29:52+00:00

Heather Elliott


Heather Elliott Education: B.S. Physics, Clemson University, 1993 M.S. Atmospheric and Space Science, University of Michigan, 1995 Ph.D. Physics, University of Alabama in Huntsville, 2001 Email: helliott@swri.edu Phone: (210) 522-6909 Research Areas: Analysis of large scale structure in the solar wind Space weather impact on geophysical indices and the Global Positioning System (GPS) Forecasting the solar wind at Earth Solar wind interaction with planets, objects, and interstellar material solar wind composition Ion outflow from Earth’s polar magnetosphere Current Graduate Students: Kevin Delano Kylie Sullivan

Heather Elliott2023-05-25T20:29:55+00:00

Robert Ebert


Education: Ph.D. Space Physics, University of Texas at San Antonio, 2010 MASc Engineering Physics, University of Toronto, 2005 B.S. Physics, University of Calgary, 2003 Email: rebert@swri.edu Phone: 210-522-2229 Professional Links: Google Scholar Research Areas: Ion and electron properties and dynamics in Jupiter’s magnetosphere and auroral regions. Solar wind interactions at Jupiter’s magnetopause. Solar wind physics: spatial variations and long-term trends. Origin, acceleration, and transport of energetic heavy ions in interplanetary space. Solar wind instrument development for Space Weather applications. Graphene foil technology for advanced plasma and energetic neutral atom instruments. Mission concept development for heliophysics and planetary science. Current [...]

Robert Ebert2023-05-25T20:30:00+00:00

Mihir Desai


Education: B.Sc. Mathematics & Physics (Joint Hons.), University College London, 1991 Ph.D. Space Physics, University of Birmingham, 1996 Email: mdesai@swri.edu Phone: 210-522-6754 Research Areas: Experimental solar and heliospheric physics Dynamics of planetary magnetospheres Causes and effects of Space Weather Design and development of novel space flight instruments Current Graduate Students: Michael Starkey Michael Preston Gregory Kayl Past Graduate Students: Tom Broiles, Ph.D. Rachael Filwett, Ph.D. Jacob Nickell

Mihir Desai2023-05-25T20:30:03+00:00
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