Keiichi Ogasawara
Jessica Armstrong2023-05-25T20:29:31+00:00Education: Ph.D., Space Plasma Physics, University of Tokyo, 2006 M.S. Space Science and Physics, University of Tokyo, 2003 B.S. Geophysics, University of Tokyo, 2001 Email: Phone: 210-522-2956 Professional Links: Missions: IMAP Solar Orbiter IBEX Research Areas: Dr. Ogasawara is a principal Scientist at the Southwest Research Institute. His areas of expertise include: (1) Nonthermal distribution functions of space plasma, (2) Solar wind suprathermal particles, (3) Planetary neutrons and γ-rays, (4) Interaction of solar wind and planetary magnetosphere, (5) Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupling through in-situ particle measurement, (6) Plasma and dust interaction in the heliosheath, (7) Solid material and charged particle interaction, (8) [...]