Jörg-Micha Jahn
- M.S. Geophysics, Ludwig-Maximilians University, 1991
- Ph.D. Physics, Dartmouth College, 1997
Email: jorg-micha.jahn@swri.org
Phone: 210-522-2491
- Lunar Vertex
- Van Allen Probes (formerly Radiation Belt Storm Probes)
Research Areas:
- Global dynamics of thermal plasma and energetic particles in magnetospheric dynamics.
- Solar-wind magnetosphere and magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere interactions.
- Space weather
- Ionospheric plasma irregularities and ionospheric HF propagation.
- Data analysis of complex systems and data sets using statistical analysis and machine learning.
- Development of compaction plasma ion composition instruments.
Instrument & Mission Experience:
- Instrument lead for MAPS ion-electron spectrometer on Lunar Vertex
- SwRI institutional instrument lead for HOPE ion-electron spectrometer on Van Allen Probes
- IMAGE Participating Scientist and MENA instrument team member on IMAGE
- Science team member on CEPPAD, CAMMICE, TIDE, and TIMAS instruments on POLAR mission
- Team member and instrumenter on Guara and GREECE sounding rockets
Past Graduate Students: