Sarah Vines

Dissertation Title: Ion-scale characteristics and dynamics of dayside magnetopause reconnection exhausts: Effects of interplanetary magnetic field orientation

Dissertation Advisor: Stephen Fuselier

Graduation Date: Fall 2016

Post-Doctoral Fellowship: John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Current Position: Southwest Research Institute – Lead Scientist

Fellowships and Recognitions: Texas Space Grant Consortium, 2015-2017

Research Areas: Research focuses on solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions, in particular magnetopause structure and dynamics at Earth and the outer planets, the effects of cold and heavy ions on magnetospheric processes, the onset and development of global Birkeland currents and hemispherical asymmetries in these field-aligned current systems, and properties of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves and associated plasma conditions for wave growth in the outer magnetosphere. Experience includes development and analysis of magnetometers and low-energy plasma instruments, as well as multi-point and multi-mission observations through work on Lunar Vertex, AMPERE, MMS, TRACERS, and other missions, such as Cluster, Juno-JADE, and the CeREs cubesat.